Western Star Trucks

With a unique focus on the driver as an important part of the trucking business, Western Star manufactures unique trucks for long haul and vocational use. In addition to producing quality vehicles that pass the tests of the road, Western Star has also designed their trucks to fit the necessities and comforts of drivers from all walks of life. For instance, one line of Western Star trucks includes innovative sleeper solutions that offer truckers comfort as well as safety and performance.

Since 1967, the company has offered solutions for truckers in a variety of long-haul and vocational fields. Although one of their primary offerings is custom trucks, purchasing a used Western Star truck can be the perfect way for truckers who enjoy comfort to fulfill their desires while still saving money.

Used Western Star Trucks have all the benefits new trucks at a fraction of the cost. For instance, in 1986, Western Star instituted the Supertilt hood on their vehicles. This new technology not only revolutionized their own products, but also became one of the most important innovations in the trucking industry. Truckers can still purchase vehicles with this technology today from a variety of manufacturers, but truckers who want the original can still get it by purchasing a used Western Star Truck.

Whether you're looking for the original 1986 models or a new model with similar technology, used Western Star Trucks can be found in a variety of styles and models for all types of transportation jobs. One of the best places to find used Western Star trucks is online. For instance, some web sites features many Western Star Trucks in almost new condition. Recent models and trucks for long haul drivers as well as dump trucks and other specialized trucks are listed on the site.

Buying Western Star Trucks online has several advantages in addition to the cost. For instance, certain sellers on online classified web sites like Trucker To Trucker offer one hundred percent financing or free delivery.

While Western Star Trucks are some of the best and most innovative in the transportation industry, they do not have to cost truck drivers tens of thousands of dollars. By buying used trucks online, truckers can save money and take advantage of specialized offers.

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